Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Cross-References' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Condensing Figure Caption References
Word can automatically add captions to your figures. You can then reference those captions from within your document. If you want to reference a range of figures, however, you'll need to rely on some fancy usage of fields.
Controlling the Format of Cross-References
When you use fields to add cross-references to tables or figures, Word normally takes care of formatting the words used in the cross-reference. Here's a couple of ways that you can exercise tighter control over the way the cross-references appear.
Cross-referencing to an Automatic Number
Word allows you to add automatic numbering to different elements of your document, such as to headings. If you want to create a cross-reference to a number that is automatically added, you can do so by applying the technique in this tip.
Cross-Referencing to Line Numbers
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to do cross-referencing to line numbers within a document? Word doesn't have a built in way to do it, but the workaround presented in this tip may provide the cross-references in a limited setting.
Inserting a Cross-Reference to an Item in a List
When you create a list using the SEQ field, you may want to create a cross-reference to an item in that field. You can do this using a couple variations on the SEQ field itself.
Inserting a Cross-Reference to Text
Cross-referencing is a great feature of Word that allows you to add references to text in various places of your document. Change the text in one place, and the reference to that text is automatically changed. This tip shows how easy it is to add a cross-reference.
Inserting a Cross-Reference to the First Style on a Page
A common way to set up a header is to have it refer to the first occurrence of a heading on the page. (Think how the headers in dictionaries refer to the first word defined on the page.) Word makes this easy to do using the STYLEREF field.
Inserting a Cross-Reference to the Last Style on a Page
It is often helpful to reference a specific heading in the header or footer of a page, and have that reference change on each page. This is easy to do using the STYLEREF function, as described in this tip.
Inserting Page Number Cross-References
Want to insert a dynamic cross-reference to a particular page number? It's easy to do following the steps in this tip.
Making Live URLs Into Normal Text
Convert those URLs into regular text! It's easy to do when you follow the steps in this tip.
Paragraph Numbers in Headers or Footers
If your documents routinely use numbered paragraphs, you may want to place the number of the page's first paragraph in the header or footer of the page. This can be a bit tricky, but with these steps you can't go wrong.
Referencing a Page Number In Another Document
Page references are a common element of many documents. If you need to have a page reference to a page in a different document, then you may be at a loss as to how to create it. Here's how.
Setting Defaults in the Cross-reference Dialog Box
Some types of documents rely on cross-references quite a bit. Setting up the Cross-reference dialog box the first time in each Word session can be bothersome after a while. This tip explains how you can bypass the dialog-box bother altogether and simply input the fields on which cross-references are based.
Using Cross-References in Footnotes
Need to make a cross-reference from one footnote to another footnote? You can do it if you throw bookmarks into the mix, as described in this tip.
Using Multiple References to a Single Comment
Find yourself repeating the same comment over and over? Here's a couple of ways you can save some typing by simply referring to the first instance of the comment you repeat.
Using Multiple References to the Same Footnote
Do you want to have multiple footnote references to the same actual footnote in a document? The easiest way to do this is to use cross-references, as described in this tip.