You may need to work with more than one language at some point in your use of Word. The process of creating your text will be much smoother if you inform Word of your language choice by changing a few settings. The following articles discuss the easiest ways to use Word's language options.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Languages' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Changing to UK English
Understanding how Word uses the Language settings.
Keyboard Changes to Unwanted Foreign Language
There you are typing along, minding your own business, when wham! You end up in an entirely different language and you don't know how you got there. There are a few things you can check out and correct.
Selecting a Language
Need to format a paragraph (or some selected text) so that it is a language other than English? You can do so easily by applying the techniques in this tip.
Stubborn Foreign Languages
Word is a program designed to work in and with multiple languages. This can lead to some problems, however, for those users who end up with documents formatted for multiple languages. This tip explains some of the ways you can force a document to pay attention to a single language rather than multiple languages.
Word Operates Backwards
What is someone to do when all of a sudden Word starts displaying text from right to left instead of left to right? The answer lies in how Word handles languages, and this tip explains what you can do to help solve the problem.