Half-Way Through

Here we are, half-way through the month already. It seems just like yesterday that we were celebrating New Year's. (I say this knowing full well that some people may still be celebrating New Year's, as they celebrate a bit longer than others.) Time does seem to march on, doesn't it?

I hope that you are doing well and that you enjoy the tips in this week's newsletter.


WordTips (menu) for 18 January 2025

Microsoft Chart
Selecting Fonts for a Chart

Microsoft Chart uses text to label items in a chart. Here's how to change the font used for that text.

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Text boxes
Finding an Invisible Text Box

Text boxes can be a great aid in designing the layout of your document. What do you do when you can't find a text box that you want to delete, however? Here are a variety of approaches you can use to finding that errant text box.

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Journal Your Life

Journals go by many names--diaries, sketchbooks, or simply blank books. Regardless of the name, though, journals provide a way for you to record, track, create, dream, and illustrate your life. Journals make it not only possible, but easy. Check out our complete line of high-quality, convenient journals today!

Adjusting Column Width from the Keyboard

It's easy to adjust the width of table columns using the mouse, but what if you don't want to use the mouse? Adjusting column width using the keyboard is more difficult, but it can be done with the help of some macros.

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Turning Off Word's Second Guessing with Quote Marks

When you type quote marks in a document, Word normally changes them to Smart Quotes. They look better on a printout, but Word can sometimes mess up and make changes to the quotes that it shouldn't. Here's some things you can try when you get tired of Word making mistakes.

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WordTips YouTube Channel

Do you like to learn visually? Make sure you check out the WordTips YouTube channel. New videos are added weekly. (I typically try to add them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

New video: Adjusting Spacing After a Paragraph
There is no need to press Enter a second time at the end of each paragraph. Let Word take care of the spacing automatically by formatting your paragraphs, as explained in this Quick Tip.


New video: Automatic Initial Caps in a Table
Have you ever started typing words in a table, only to find that Word automatically capitalizes the first word in each cell? This is a part of AutoCorrect, but you can control this behavior.


Special Note!

I've been publishing WordTips for years. Decades, actually. The newsletter you are reading right now is for very old versions of Word. I still publish it because I know that some people are still using very old versions of Word. Most people, however, are using newer versions of the program. If you are are using a newer version of Word (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, or the version in Microsoft 365), then you should seriously consider changing to the version of the newsletter designed for you. You can do so by clicking this link.

Thanks for your support of WordTips, and I hope you enjoy whichever version of the newsletter you receive. If you have any questions, just let me know.

WordTips is a free service of Sharon Parq Associates. You can find thousands of tips at our website and a whole lot more. WordTips is part of the Tips.Net network.
Sharon Parq Associates, Inc.  •  PO Box 1187  •  Mountain View, WY  82939