One of Those

Have you ever had "one of those weeks?" This past week was that way for me. I think it may be due to too much on my "to do" list and not enough hours in the day to get everything done.

I hope that your week has gone well for you, and hopefully better than mine has. Regardless of how things have gone for you, though, I hope that you find the tips in this week's newsletter helpful.


WordTips (menu) for 22 March 2025

Microsoft Chart
Selecting a Custom Chart

Microsoft Graph allows you to easily create charts from numeric data, without the need to use Excel. Here's how to use Graph to specify what type of chart you want to use for your data.

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Determining If the End of a Text File Has Been Reached

When writing a macro that processes a text file, you may need to know when the end of the file has been reached. This is easy to do with the EOF function, described in this tip.

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Discover the Power of Styles

The real power behind formatting documents in Word is wielded through styles. Discover how to use styles and you can format documents faster, easier, and more consistently than ever before. Here's the way to unlock the secret.

Using AutoShape Connectors

If you add AutoShapes to the drawing canvas, you can use connector lines between those shapes. Here's how to add them to your drawing efforts.

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Word is a great word processor
Deleting Tab Stops

Need to delete some tabs tops in a paragraph? It's easy to do using the Tabs dialog box, as described in this tip.

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WordTips YouTube Channel

Do you like to learn visually? Make sure you check out the WordTips YouTube channel. New videos are added weekly. (I typically try to add them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

New video: Triple-Space Your Document
Print your document with lots of space between each line by triple spacing it! This Quick Tip provides some fast and easy steps for getting the spacing you want without affecting your document in a lasting manner.


New video: Changing the Bullet Type
When you apply bullet formatting to paragraphs, Word allows you to choose from a variety of different bullets. If you want, you can switch between those different bullet types, or you can define your own bullets.


Special Note!

I've been publishing WordTips for years. Decades, actually. The newsletter you are reading right now is for very old versions of Word. I still publish it because I know that some people are still using very old versions of Word. Most people, however, are using newer versions of the program. If you are are using a newer version of Word (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, or the version in Microsoft 365), then you should seriously consider changing to the version of the newsletter designed for you. You can do so by clicking this link.

Thanks for your support of WordTips, and I hope you enjoy whichever version of the newsletter you receive. If you have any questions, just let me know.

WordTips is a free service of Sharon Parq Associates. You can find thousands of tips at our website and a whole lot more. WordTips is part of the Tips.Net network.
Sharon Parq Associates, Inc.  •  PO Box 1187  •  Mountain View, WY  82939