Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Menus' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Adding a Font Menu
You can customize Word so it includes a Fonts menu.
Adding Your Own Menu Items
You can customize Word to your heart's content. One way to customize the program is by adding options to the Word menus. It is easier than you think, and you can make the additions any time you want. Just follow the steps in this tip.
Animated Menus
Want to get a bit fancy with how the Word interface behaves? You can configure Word so that its menus don't just appear, they "animate." Here's how.
Changing the Context (Shortcut) Menus
A shortcut menu is a great way to quickly access the commands you regularly use. If you want to modify how Context menus are used in Word, here's how you accomplish the task.
Custom Menu Stays, but Options Disappear
It can be disconcerting when a custom menu you've used for years suddenly loses all the options it previously contained. Here are some things you can check out to help track down the problem.
Deleting Menu Items
Want to get rid of some menu options so that they can't be selected? It's easy to do when customizing Word by using these steps.
Disappearing Macro Menus
Word is quite versatile in how you can customize it. You can add all sorts of macros to menus, but doing so may cause problems down the road. For instance, what do you do if your menus suddenly disappear? This tip discusses possible causes and how you can deal with this problem.
Displaying Path Names in the Menu Bar
Want the full path name for a document visible on the screen? Easily add it to a menu bar.
Floating Menus
Some of the secondary menus used in Word can be made into floating toolbars, if you know the trick. It's not that hard; just click on the bar at the top of the menu and drag it to a new location, as described in this tip.
Keeping Full Menus Displayed
Word allows menus to be displayed in two modes. The default mode, which displays menu options dynamically, drives some people nuts. So, Word provides a way you can turn off dynamic menus. What are you to do, though, when the menu change doesn't "stick?" This tip describes some factors that may be causing the loss of static menus.
Making Macros Readily Available
Want to get at your macros quickly? One way is to create a Macros menu to make your most common macros immediately available.
Problem with Menus Crashing Word
What do you do if, one day, one of your Word menus suddenly stops working and actually crashes the program? Here's the details of what one Word user did to solve the problem.
Resetting Menus to Their Default
After a few weeks, months, or years of editing Word's menus, you may forget what the original menus looked like. Don't despair; there is a quick and easy way to return individual menus to their default state.
Resetting Word Menus
Word allows you to customize the program's menus as much as you want. At some point, however, you may want the menus to revert to their default condition. This tip explains how you can quickly and easily accomplish the reversion.
The Case of the Vanished Menu Bar
Can't find your menu bar any more? Here are some things you can try to get that important feature back on your screen where it belongs.